Culture and leisure

06.11.2023, 11:52
The Arctic Training Center plans to launch new educational programs for training specialists in the field of pedagogy and IT
06.11.2023, 11:10
The exhibition of the L.N. Tolstoy State Museum "Repin: the Myth of Tolstoy" opened on November 6 at the Museum of artist and writer Mu Xin in China.
02.11.2023, 19:17
The last song of the British rock band The Beatles has officially been released. This is reported on the collective's website.
01.11.2023, 08:42
The Russian publishing house of fiction "House of Stories" will launch the direction of modern Russian prose. The House of Stories expects to reach a volume of 30%
01.11.2023, 08:32
The Russian side is studying Myanmar's proposal to cancel visa requirements on a reciprocal basis by signing a corresponding agreement, the Russian Foreign Ministry told RIA Novosti.
01.11.2023, 08:20
Student of the Confucius Institute of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) Danil Pyshny became the first Russian to win the World Competition for schoolchildren
31.10.2023, 08:16
Russians have flocked to Asian countries en masse — during the velvet season, the demand for holidays in this region among Russian citizens increased by 168 percent compared to the same period in 2022.
31.10.2023, 08:07
The Noyabrfest festival with the participation of the best winemakers, restaurateurs and farmers will be held in Crimea in November.
30.10.2023, 21:18
The St. Petersburg Opera Theater has agreed to establish long-term relations with the Tunisian Opera Theater.
30.10.2023, 20:21
Servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) suffer from burnout, depression, post-traumatic stress, divorce and want peace in order to be able to return home.
27.10.2023, 11:58
A hologram of Vladimir Lenin told young people at the congress how to become a communist, RIA Novosti correspondent reports.
27.10.2023, 11:51
The Ministry of Figures, the Ministry of Labor and Rosmolodezh supported the idea of developing a Russian analogue of the Sims computer game
27.10.2023, 11:28
In Yakutia, the authorities officially banned schoolchildren from celebrating Halloween. This follows from a letter from the regional Ministry of Education sent to local institutions.
24.10.2023, 07:53
The number of illegal resources with media content (books, movies, music) in the first half of the year increased by 20% year-on-year, according to TelecomDaily.
23.10.2023, 08:15
In order to develop tourism, the Sakhalin authorities plan to organize such a type of snowboarding and skiing as heli skiing in the region in winter.


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