Articles for 06.05.2024

06.05.2024, 11:15
MOEX, 06.05.2024, 11:00 MSK.  US dollar and euro exchange rates 
06.05.2024, 11:02
Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan will not attend the inauguration of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Speaker of the Armenian Parliament Alain Simonyan told reporters on Monday.
06.05.2024, 11:01
The Russian Interior Ministry has put on the wanted list the former commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) Ruslan Khomchak. This is reported by TASS with reference to the department's database.
06.05.2024, 11:00
Moscow Exchange (MOEX). Stock index and main Russian shares. 06.05.2024, 10:59 MSK
06.05.2024, 10:57
In 2023, the number of closed claims for debt collection on loans and borrowings in the amount of up to 50 thousand rubles increased by almost a third.
06.05.2024, 10:33
The fall in global coal prices does not lead to a reduction in the cost of logistics within the country, which makes it increasingly difficult for coal companies to transport by rail.
06.05.2024, 10:30
The Ukrainian military should not use British weapons to attack Russia. So the British politician and leader of the Heritage party, David Courten, commented on his page on the social network X
06.05.2024, 10:25
The Russian General Staff has begun preparations for the exercises of the missile formations of the Southern District with the involvement of aviation and naval forces (Navy).
06.05.2024, 10:21
Pilots of the Russian airline Azimut noticed an unidentified aircraft in the sky during the flight. This is reported by the Aviaincident Telegram channel.

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