Latest news

30.05.2024, 23:32
An experiment on labeling smartphones, laptops, and telephones will be conducted in Russia. RIA Novosti writes about this with reference to the government decree.
30.05.2024, 23:27
The Pentagon's Intelligence Agency (DIA) has stated that Russia is allegedly hitting Ukraine with missiles manufactured in the DPRK. This is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the report of the American military intelligence.
30.05.2024, 23:24
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz does not expect a conflict with the Russian Federation in the near future and allows a return to mutual understanding and diplomacy
30.05.2024, 21:17
Air defense systems on duty shot down four Ukrainian drones over the territory of the Belgorod region, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.
30.05.2024, 21:13
In Primorsky Krai, a rural school partially collapsed before the Unified State Exam. The Telegram channel "Caution, news" drew attention to the situation.
30.05.2024, 21:10
Scientists from the Higher School of Medicine and Biology at South Ural University (SUSU) in Chelyabinsk have developed an insulin analog. This is reported on the website of the educational institution.
Moscow Exchange: US dollar and euro exchange rates, 30.05.2024, 17:59 MSK
30.05.2024, 18:15
MOEX, 30.05.2024, 17:59 MSK.  US dollar and euro exchange rates 
Russian Stock Market: MOEX Index and main prices of Russian shares at 30.05.2024, 18:00 MSK
30.05.2024, 18:00
Moscow Exchange (MOEX). Stock index and main Russian shares. 30.05.2024, 18:00 MSK
Russian Stock Market (MOEX): Share prices of development enterprises 30.05.2024, 16:30 MSK
30.05.2024, 16:30
Moscow Exchange (MOEX). Share prices of development enterprises at 30.05.2024, 16:30 MSK
Russian Stock Market (MOEX): Share prices of transportation enterprises 30.05.2024, 16:00 MSK
30.05.2024, 16:00
Moscow Exchange (MOEX). Share prices of transportation enterprises at 30.05.2024, 16:00 MSK

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