OREANDA-NEWS. American doctors were told how stopping Smoking can affect the health of the smoker more than 20 years. Experts did research for 60 years. Their goal was to find out how quitting Smoking affects the development of cardiovascular diseases.

The researchers analyzed medical records of nearly 8 800 people, including 2 371 heavy smokers who consumed an average of one pack of cigarettes a day for 20 years. A 26-year observation period in the whole group occurred 2435 of first cardiovascular events, including heart attack, stroke, heart failure, of which 1095 men were too keen on the addiction. The research reported that Smoking cessation was associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease over five years for former smokers compared with current.

At the same time, smokers can take up to 25 years after refusal to ensure that their risks of heart disease was comparable to the level of those who never smoked.