OREANDA-NEWS. Press Secretary of the US Embassy in Moscow Rebecca Ross commented on the words of Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov about the need to return to normal relations between Russia and the United States.

"We definitely need a period of detox," Ross wrote on Twitter, responding to the post of the Russian Foreign Ministry with a quote from Lavrov's statement.

Earlier, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry in an interview with RIA Novosti said that Moscow had offered Washington to "zero" the diplomatic conflict, but the new administration was "sliding along the same slope." Lavrov said that if it depended only on the Russian Federation, “we would probably return to normal relations and as a first and, in my opinion, an obvious, not at all difficult step, we would nullify all the measures that were taken to restrict the work of Russian diplomats in the United States - in response, we restricted the work of US diplomats in Russia."

Ross's comment on Twitter came almost an hour after the US Embassy announced that it would stop processing non-immigrant visa requests from May 12, other than diplomatic travel, consular services will only be provided to Americans and, in a limited number of urgent cases, to US citizens whose Russian visa is expiring. , it is recommended to leave the country by June 15th. At the same time, it was emphasized that the situation is connected with the intention of the Russian government to prohibit the American diplomatic mission from hiring foreign citizens in any capacity.