OREANDA-NEWS The Dalai Lama turned 85 on 6 July. He stated that he is going to live to 110-113 years, for which it is necessary to keep the mind under control, since emotions affect the state of health.

As an example, the Dalai Lama cited a situation where anxiety raises blood pressure and makes it difficult to fall asleep.

"If to talk about me, since my mind is at rest, every night I sleep very calmly and deeply - 9 hours. A dream like that is of great importance," the spiritual leader of News.ru quotes.

At the same time, the Dalai Lama noted that, in addition to 9-hour sleep, he practices daily meditations lasting several hours. It also has a positive effect on the peace of mind needed for physical and mental health.

Scientists have previously warned of the risk of developing dementia due to lack of sleep. Going forward, the study's authors intend to investigate whether improving sleep patterns in middle age can prevent dementia.