OREANDA-NEWSThe NordPass company named the most common and at the same time the most unstable passwords in the world. It was possible to make the selection after the study, during which the experts collected 500 million passwords that became available after various kinds of leaks and hacks.

Passwords, which consist of a sequential series of digits (12345) or simple digital combinations (11111 or 123321), remain in first place in popularity. More than 800 thousand people still use passwords consisting of consecutive letters on the keyboard (qwerty or asdfgh). Distributed in the world and passwords based on female names. The most common are Nicole, Jessica and Hannah.

More than 100 thousand people choose simple words and phrases as passwords: princess, iloveyou, test. NordPass authors point out that such statistics are repeated from year to year. This is explained by the fact that users are afraid to forget the password, and therefore choose options that are easiest to remember. And most often, using the same set of letters or numbers, you can open multiple accounts at once.