OREANDA-NEWS. A television series about actress Faina Ranevskaya was filmed in Crimea. The legend of Soviet cinema is played by Marietta Tsigal-Polishchuk. Nikitsky Botanical Garden was chosen as a location for filming some episodes. This was reported on the site of the garden.

In Instagram, the press service clarified that in her early years Ranevskaya lived in the Crimea and was a member of the troupe of the "Theater of the Actor". It was during these years that the artist took a creative pseudonym, her real name is Fanny Feldman.

As specified in the publication, the shooting took place, in particular, in the stalls and on the summer stage of the botanical garden. The television series will air on Channel One, but the premiere date is still unknown.

Marietta Tsigal-Polishchuk is the daughter of the famous Russian actress Lyubov Polishchuk. She played in such TV series as "Zemsky Doctor", "Wings of the Empire", in the movie "Inhabited Island" and in other films.

Earlier it was reported that the traditional large-scale Chrysanthemum Ball will be held in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden on the southern coast of Crimea. The exhibition is usually held in the last days of October, when all the chrysanthemums in the garden are blooming - about 500 species of flowers are presented at the ball.