OREANDA-NEWS. The well-known Russian doctor and TV presenter Alexander Myasnikov in his telegram channel urged to stop multiplying the ranks of opponents of vaccination against COVID-19.

He noted that daily in the Russian news there are reports of side effects of the vaccine from the American company Pfizer and the German BioNTech.

According to the doctor, he does not understand why the news is writing about this to Russian citizens, because Russia has its own vaccine, which is more reliable and more proven, but there is still no Pfizer drug in Russia.

In his opinion, information about complications from the Pfizer vaccine negatively affects the attitude towards vaccination against COVID-19 in general.

According to him, people who doubt the need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 turn to him every day, and in response to the benefits of vaccination receives stories of "terrible complications."

He noted that he understands the situation when the Russian vaccine is "groundlessly criticized" by those who "did not properly finalize their vaccine." However, mass vaccination is already beginning in Russia, there is no need to increase the number of its opponents, Myasnikov emphasized.