OREANDA-NEWS A piece of dark chocolate can replace medicines in the fight against colds and sore throats, as well as become a pleasant prevention of other diseases. 

Experts have found that chocolate has beneficial properties for the human body. It can cope with certain illnesses, including the common cold. So, sucking up a piece of chocolate you can get rid of sore throat and inflammation. During the flu season, it can be mixed with lemon and honey and used to enhance immunity. 

Chocolate cheers up, helps to cope with fatigue and depression. In its composition there is magnesium, which relieves anxiety. Calcium and phosphorus stimulate brain activity. The use of dessert reduces the risk of heart attack and blood clots. 

Experts say that chocolate also helps to normalize blood pressure and strengthen the cardiovascular system due to the caffeine content. And stearic acid in chocolate paired with red wine helps to clear the vessels from cholesterol.