OREANDA-NEWS Researchers from the University of Illinois state that in order for a quality sleep to help maintain good health, it is important to be able to notice the bright sides of life in any setting, that is, to be optimistic. According to Science Daily, scientists have identified "a clear link between optimism and sleep quality." 

Scientists examined 3,500 men and women aged 32 years to 51 years living in four US cities. Specialists identified their levels of optimism among people by conducting a special survey. The general health status of participants and the presence of symptoms of depression were also determined. In parallel, they studied the quality of sleep - its duration, cases of insomnia, ease of falling asleep. 

The results obtained by scientists showed that among volunteers who were optimistic in nature, the probability of high quality sleep was 78% higher than that of pessimists. According to the researchers, they usually slept optimistically from six to nine hours a day, and complained of insomnia or drowsiness during the day 74% less often. 

Co-author of the study, Professor Rosalba Hernandez states: poor quality of sleep is associated with the development of many diseases, such as obesity and hypertension, and is also associated with mortality from various causes. Scientists believe that if there is optimism, the quality of sleep improves due to the fact that a positive attitude towards everything helps people better cope with stress and relax.