OREANDA-NEWS. Scientists from the companies TARA Biosystems and GlaxoSmithKline taught three-dimensional artificial heart tissue to shrink similarly to the human heart. The study was published in the journal of Toxicological Sciences.

Scientists from the American TARA Biosystems and the British GlaxoSmithKline have developed artificial heart tissue that can shrink – just like the heart. Scientists put the gel on the basis of induced pluripotent stem cells in the microscopic holes with the fibers. And a week later received an artificial "heart". It has already successfully passed a number of tests and trials. Of course, the creation of a full-fledged organ that could be implanted in a person is out of the question. But here is for tests new drugs artificial heart of well be appropriate.

Experts have tested how drugs affect the reduction of "heart-on-a-chip". A series of experiments confirmed that the model they created reacts in the same way as the real heart.