OREANDA-NEWS. A third of patients who had a severe coronavirus infection complained of symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), said Inga Korotkova, a senior lecturer at the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychophysiology at St. Petersburg State University, citing research data.

«In PTSD, clinical symptoms such as unmotivated alertness, explosive reactions, memory impairment and general anxiety, insomnia, and suicidal thoughts are possible. Depressive manifestations are possible», she said at a press conference on Friday, February 12.

Senior lecturer of the department Daria Eremina noted, that researchers pay special attention to conditionally healthy people. According to her, special attention should be paid to people who have not encountered severe mental disorders yet. The same trends are observed for them: at the beginning of the pandemic, it was the predominance of anxious experiences with less severity of depressive ones. Now this is already a depressive experience-apparently, in connection with the protracted situation, said Eremina.

Tatyana Karavaeva, Head of the Department of Treatment of Borderline Disorders and Psychotherapy at the National Research Medical Center of Psychiatry and Neurology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, noted, that simple things help to cope with stress — a healthy lifestyle, walking and sports.