OREANDA-NEWS. May 7, 2008. Following the operational results of QI 2008, DTEK, the leading player in the fuel & energy industry of Ukraine, has shown a steady increase in all key production indicators. Coal output has grown by 12.1% and electricity output by 3.3% year on year.
The coal mining enterprises of DTEK have increased output of ROM coal by 12.1% to 4.4 m tons in QI 2008. DTEK’s share in the total Ukrainian output has grown to 21.7%, including that of Pavlogradugol OJSC being 17.5% and the share of Komsomolets Donbassa Mine being 4.2%.
Additional investment into the upgrading of manufacturing processes, extending long-walls and extraction fields as well as greater output by breakage faces have enabled Pavlogradugol OJSC to boost  steam coal output by 8.7% to 2.75 m tons and, the output of coking coal by 30.0% to 0.8 m tons as compared to QI of the previous year. Greater breakage face loads and increased coal output by development faces have allowed Komsomolets Donbassa Mine to increase its output by 8.3% to 0.86 m tons.
After two processing plants, Dobropolskaya and Oktyabrskaya, were transferred under the control of DTEK in October 2007, it has become possible to have ROM coal from Pavlogradugol OJSC coked by its own plants. Due to the above, the volume of processed coal was raised to 3 m tons in QI 2008, which is 79.4 % more than during the same period of 2007. The produced concentrate volume has also increased by 67.5%.
The thermal power plants of Vostokenergo, which form the power generation business of DTEK, have aggregately generated 5 357 m KWh of electricity during the first three months of the current year. Electricity supply to Energorynok SE was 4 878 m KWh in QI. Such steady dynamics empower the company to take the lead in the Ukrainian thermal generation sector: the market share among TPP generation companies has been 26.8% following the quarterly results. The installed capacity utilization rate (ICUR) has reached 60.4% in QI at Vostokenergo enterprises.
Electric power transmission by DTEK enterprises has been 3718.4 m KWh in QI 2008, which is 37% more than during the same period of 2007. The indicator growth has been caused by an increase in electricity consumption and an expansion in the licensed activity area. Electric power supply to Pavlogradugol OJSC, Northern GOK OJSC and Central GOK OJSC has commenced. The share of electricity purchases by the electricity transmission companies of DTEK, Service-Invest Ltd and PES-Energougol OJSC, from the Wholesale Electricity Market has grown from 5% to 6.3% thus summing up the QI 2008 results year on year.