OREANDA-NEWS. On 31 August 2009 was announced, that the branch of Ingosstrakh IJSC in Archangelsk insured fish stock - 40 tons of rainbow trout - of AQUASPHER-BELOMOR. The insured amount is over RUB 7.3mln. Prior to signing the contract, the branch carried out a detailed examination of the sites subject to agro-industrial  insurance.

Pursuant to the General Terms of Insurance of Fish Stock in Fish-Farms, the insured events under the contract are as follows: loss (kill) of the insured fish stock as a result of natural disasters, infectious diseases, illegal acts of third parties,  fire, stroke of lightning, gas explosion, theft or robbery, emergency slaughter as ordered by the veterinary service as a measure to fight infectious diseases, fatal illnesses that prevent further use, accidents with the imminent threat of loss, as well as failures of the equipment, electricity supply systems and waterworks that cause loss or emergency slaughter.

The branch of Ingosstrakh IJSC in Archangelsk and AQUASPHERA-BELOMOR have been cooperating since 2006. In the near future, it is planned to insure the stock of juvenile fish to the amount of RUB 1.5mln.