OREANDA-NEWS. June 01, 2010.  “NIBULON” has gained the character of unindifferent and socially responsible company. It has become a tradition to congratulate pupils with “Last Bell” on behalf of General Director of “NIBULON”, Hero of Ukraine Oleksiy Vadaturskyy.

On the 27th of May 2010, the best students and teachers were awarded with diplomas and prizes during festive lineups in “NIBULON’s” affiliated schools in Mykolayiv (№ 51, 57, 24) and Shyrokyy Lan village (Mykolayiv region). Among them there are the winners of national and regional contests and academic competitions, they are the pride of our Motherland.

“NIBULON” has been lately and regularly cooperating with over a hundred of schools of those towns and villages where the company’s elevators and branches are located. It includes new computers and office equipment, redecoration and purchase of furniture, teaching materials, transportation of students by school buses. The result of this cooperation is the high educational achievements of Ukrainian students from ordinary city and regional schools. “NIBULON” made a special gift - high-tech multimedia classrooms to three Mykolayiv schools. This year, a gift was given to the school in Lidiyivka village of Domanivskyy district, Mykolayiv region. Not every city school can be proud of such modern equipment! According to teachers, knowledge with a help of such equipment is better learnt. Children are interested in the lessons, and it is a good incentive for learning.

Oleksiy Vadaturskyy understands that main wealth of the company is people. Intelligent and professional expert should be educated since childhood. Children are our future. High level of education of children is a key to success of the future.

 So we will meet in September, meanwhile “NIBULON” as always prepares pleasant surprises for pupils.