OREANDA-NEWS. February 22, 2012. Ingosstrakh Insurance Company has paid 14 mln rubles as an insurance reimbursement of costs associated with the damage to the tow-boat "Siziman" belonging to Vanino Sea Trading Port OJSC.

While the tow-boat "Siziman" was passing from Muchke Bay to Vanino Port, in the area of Cape Muchukey-Dua, she touched the ground with the hull, which resulted in its damage.

Ingosstrakh Insurance Company accepted this as an insured event and following the request of the insured party has completed an interim payment of 14 mln rubles as an insurance compensation of expenditures for repairs and spare parts required.

According to the Head of Special Risks Insurance Claims Settlement Department of Ingosstrakh Insurance Company Vadim Semenkov, Ingosstrakh Insurance Company always makes advances to its clients in the matters related to the implementation of interim payments.