OREANDA-NEWS. June 18, 2012. The Club of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine hosted a hotline and a briefing for media involving Oleksandr Shnypko, Director, Social Sphere Finance Department, Ministry of Finance.

The briefing has notified about the stance of social care and public pension support.

“To protect citizens socially, the Government has been sound in raising basic social standards and found a way of retaining the growth of the primary social standard as subsistence rate being the basis for the government’s social safety net”, Oleksandr Shnypko said.

Besides, 2012 keeps differentiating the subsistence rate for various beneficiaries to assign the governmental social allowance to needy families.

As such, governmental allowances have been assigned to young families, people disabled from childhood and disabled children, and temporary child allowances assigned as multiple and percentage to the subsistence rate, and will rise as the latter changes.

Pension support efforts have also been communicated. “As from January 1, an Act of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has entered into force No. 1210 “On Raising Social Care of Citizens Affected by Chornobyl Disaster” dated November 23, 2011 designed to improve during 2012 the pension support of Chornobyl-affected people”, Department Director emphasized.

As for funding the above efforts, it was communicated that extra costs to implement above regulations have been fully accounted for in the 2012 State Budget Law of Ukraine.