OREANDA-NEWS. IDGC of Urals, OAO (MICEX: MRKU) reports on Board resolutions.

The Board of Directors has conducted an in-absentia Board meeting. In the course of the meeting directors have scrutinized and decided on the range of corporate issues.

The Board of Directors has adopted the Amended and Restated Risk Management Policy of the Company. This version of the documents meets requirements from the Corporate Governance Code, recommended by the Bank of Russia. To view the document, please, visit our Incorporating Documents and Bylaws Section of our official web-site.

The Board of Directors has approved the drafted investment program for 2016 and beyond and entrusted the Company's sole executive body to arrange the approval of the drafted investment program for 2016 and beyond in line with Russian Government Decree No. 977 dated as of 01.12.2009.

The program is prepared pursuant to regional development plans, network equipment health, importance of energy facilities and current economic environment. It also delivers key goals of the Company: to guarantee faultless energy supply and execution of connection contracts.

Besides, the Board of Directors has approved the Company's 2Q 2016 cash flow targets, examined reports with regard to 2015 attestation of max output consumers and execution of a Board instruction (Protocol No.183 dd. 29.12.2015, issue No.10) as well as adopted resolutions with regard to other corporate issues.