OREANDA-NEWS. Roskomnadzor must use technical means to combat Twitter, after blocking more than a hundred Russian accounts, symmetric measures must be taken. So says Ekaterina Mizulina, a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, executive director of the National Center for Assistance to Missing and Injured Children.

Mizulina at the round table "Irresponsible platforms: how social networks are fighting destructive content" said that Twitter must be fought with technical means. She is surprised why Roskomnadzor does not use them. In her opinion, it is time to apply the mechanisms that are in the law of the Russian Federation, especially after such situations as happened the other day, when more than a hundred Russian accounts were blocked. The parliamentarian is convinced that there should be a symmetrical response from the Russian side to such steps.

Earlier in the official Twitter blog, a message appeared about the identification and removal of 100 accounts, access to which was limited due to allegedly "conducting pro-Russian propaganda" and "undermining confidence in the stability of the NATO alliance", as well as the implementation of actions "directed against the US and the EU."

The Russian Roskomnadzor has already sent the management of Twitter a demand to provide lists of blocked accounts and explain the reasons for blocking, the department will check the validity of restricting access to them.