OREANDA-NEWSCountries will not cease to unite in trade unions to create infrastructure and enter third-country markets, said Alexander Subotin, minister of industry and agribusiness at the Eurasian Economic Commission (EEC). "Unions will surely grow stronger, they will surely increase - both the number and size of unions. I think the union cannot exist by itself either, it will still have to trade at least. And trade implies the creation of some kind of infrastructure - transport, financial and so on. And the creation of this infrastructure - it will still attract to itself the creation of some kind of cooperation chains in order to enter the market", Subbotin said in an interview with the Russian media.

According to him, even such large countries as Russia and China will not be able to live in isolation. "I think we won't get away from the global process anyway. The only question is in what format it will take place. I think we will be a little shivering. Alliances will disintegrate, be made up. But nevertheless, I think every country understands that it will not survive alone. It's necessary either to gather with someone in a group, or to gather someone around you.

He noted that China is very interesting for our countries with its huge market, insanely fast developing, with huge strides developing domestic consumption. But at the same time, the European Union is interesting, which is near us and also has a huge and interesting market for us. Of course, it’s difficult to advance there: there are a lot of high-tech industries in the EU, and it’s not very interesting for them to let us go with their goods.

In addition, the promotion should be multivector - and China, and the United States, and Latin America, and India, and we shouldn't forget the Middle East.