OREANDA-NEWS. Reuters agency published the excerpts from the internal correspondence of 2017 on the 737 MAX aircraft.

In particular, in one of the dialogs, company’s employees discussed problems with the computer control system of the liner. “This airplane was designed by clowns, who in turn are supervised by monkeys,” one of the fragments says. Specialists of Boeing also mentioned that the corporation tried to avoid training pilots on simulators, because the process was laborious and long. Some employees emphasized that they would not allow members of their families to fly on the aircrafts navigated by pilots who trained using simulators for Boeing 737 MAX.

The company sent a copy of the messages to the relevant committees of the House of Representatives and the Senate of the US Congress, as well as to the Federal Aviation Administration. Boeing’s representatives noted that such correspondence is “completely unacceptable” and apologized to the state authorities and passengers.