Articles for 02.05.2024

02.05.2024, 15:16
Russian Railways Holding has organized an agroexpress with oat flakes and cereals from the Urals to India along the eastern route of the international transport corridor (MTK) "North – South"
02.05.2024, 15:16
Trading operations in Chinese yuan and Russian rubles will be important for Egypt, these issues are currently being discussed by Egyptian specialized institutions
02.05.2024, 15:15
MOEX, 02.05.2024, 14:59 MSK.  US dollar and euro exchange rates 
02.05.2024, 15:00
Moscow Exchange (MOEX). Share prices of chemical enterprises at 02.05.2024, 14:59 MSK
02.05.2024, 14:30
Moscow Exchange (MOEX). Stock index and main Russian shares. 02.05.2024, 14:29 MSK
02.05.2024, 14:00
Moscow Exchange (MOEX). Share prices of retail and consumer goods sector at 02.05.2024, 13:59 MSK
02.05.2024, 13:30
Moscow Exchange (MOEX). Share prices of oil and gas enterprises at 02.05.2024, 13:29 MSK
02.05.2024, 13:00
Moscow Exchange (MOEX). Share prices of financial sector at 02.05.2024, 12:59 MSK
02.05.2024, 12:30
Moscow Exchange (MOEX). Share prices of metallurgy and mining enterprises at 02.05.2024, 12:29 MSK
02.05.2024, 12:00
Moscow Exchange (MOEX). Share prices of electric power generation enterprises at 02.05.2024, 11:59 MSK

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