OREANDA-NEWS  The Russian Wildberries marketplace simplified the working conditions of sellers after the intervention of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS). This is reported by RBC with reference to representatives of the site.

The marketplace has defined the conditions of deductions for violations and excluded the clause "For other violations" from the agreement. The reasons why the seller may receive a fine, as well as their size, are reflected in the offer. It also prescribed the rules for the complete or partial blocking of the personal account and the procedure for accepting and sorting goods. The company has also fixed tariffs for storing goods in a warehouse and logistics for partners.

"Now sellers have the opportunity to indefinitely fix the tariff for storing goods: the tariff that was in effect at the time of planning a specific delivery will remain unchanged," the representatives of the site explained. This measure will reduce sellers' costs for storing goods in a warehouse and make their working conditions "more predictable".

Employees of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) issued a warning to the marketplace due to violations in working with sellers in early April. The agency found that the company imposes unfavorable working conditions on partners, and penalties for sellers are often "disproportionate."

As established by RBC, in 2023, Wildberries' revenue from fines and penalties for sellers amounted to almost 20 billion rubles. Revenues from fines and penalties under offer agreements with sellers increased to 15 billion (plus 76 percent), and from fines, penalties and penalties under business agreements — up to 5 billion more (an increase of 37.5 times).