OREANDA-NEWS. June 25, 2008. Scientists from the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the Institute of Southern Seas Biology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine will go on a joint expedition to study the Black Sea aboard the Deneb research vessel June 16 through July 5, as reported.

Such joint expeditions have not been held since 1993.

The bulk of the studies that will last until July 5 will be devoted to examination of alien kinds of flora and fauna. Experts will specify mechanisms for their penetration and development in the Azov and Black seas, as well as impact on the maritime ecology system.

Beside that, detailed oceanology pictures will be taken of the plants and animals living in the water and on the bottom, as well as vessel monitoring will be made, plus account of sea birds and animals. With the use of up-to-date oceanology equipment, scientists are planning to hold vertical and horizontal probing of sea water in the places where more salt and cold deep waters take up.

"Monitoring of these processes is extremely important, because changes in such areas, including those caused by humans, for example, during underwater construction of gas pipelines, may involve a major part of the Black Sea ecosystem," the press service says.

Ecologists from the Black Sea countries are long calling that urgent measures be taken to protect the sea. A great role in pollution of the basin is played by the human factor: pollutants penetrate into the Black Sea from 20 countries of Europe. Beside that, about 160 kinds of animals living in the Black Sea are on verge of extinction due to increased content of petroleum products in the sea water.