OREANDA-NEWS  Visiting one of the most beautiful places in the Magadan region, Lake Jack London, has become a fee: 500 rubles per day per person, according to the official website of the Magadan Nature Reserve.

"We will be very glad to everyone who wants to visit Jack London Lake this summer. However, we remind you that now this territory is part of the national park and individuals are allowed to visit it only if they have a permit. The permit is issued by the head of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Magadan State Nature Reserve", the message says.
The lake has entered the Chersky National Park, and to visit the territory of the national park, you need to request permission, and after approving the application, transfer money.

"The approved fee (500 rubles per day) is charged for visiting the territory of the national park by one person. A visit permit is issued after submitting an application for a visit and the fact of payment. A special, longer stay regime is established for employees of enterprises and organizations operating on the territory of the national park on a permanent basis," the reserve clarifies.

Jack London Lake is located in the upper reaches of the Kolyma River in the Yagodninsky district of the Magadan region.