OREANDA-NEWS The mechanism for charging fees for the use of foreign software by Russian companies may start working in 2024. Details about the new collection were revealed by the head of the Ministry of Finance Maksut Shadaev, his words are quoted by Interfax.

The bill on charging for the use of software (software) from developers who left Russia is almost ready. According to Shalaev, the development of a new fee has become a forced measure, since users cannot pay for licenses of Western developers, and at the same time they cannot switch to an alternative from domestic companies.

"We believe that it is reasonable enough that we release the user company from liability if it transfers funds to a special account. Thus, it actually confirms the payment of the license rights that the supplier of this product has," explained the head of the Ministry of Finance. The idea to introduce a special fee for companies that use foreign software was introduced by the head of the Russian government Mikhail Mishustin. So he suggested motivating companies to switch to domestic solutions. Half of the collected funds can be used for grant support of Russian IT companies, and the remaining funds can be used for preferential lending to the industry, he explained.

Russian business has already drawn the government's attention to the impossibility of switching to domestic software within the time limit set by the authorities. Such rates threaten billions in losses and energy shortages, representatives of the fuel and energy complex warned. The companies also expressed concern about the rise in prices for Russian software, which does not provide comparable functionality, but in the absence of competition, it becomes much more expensive.