OREANDA-NEWS  Russian bank borrowers were more likely to repay consumer loans ahead of schedule in 2023. The share of such repayments increased to 21 percent in 12 months, although in 2022 it was at the level of 18 percent, the Vedomosti newspaper reports, citing statistical data from analysts at the credit history bureau Scoring Bureau.

Thus, over the past year, the share of early repayment of consumer loans in Russia increased by 3 percentage points. The statistics were based on a database of more than 707.5 million credit histories of Russian individuals.

In quantitative terms, in 2023, citizens repaid ahead of schedule a total of more than 11 million consumer loans. This figure exceeded the value for 2022 (6.8 million) by 63.55 percent. In comparison with 2021, the result for 2023 was 76.52 percent more. Experts cited the low key rate of the Central Bank (CB) as the main reason for such dynamics, which remained at this level for most of 2023.

Earlier, RBC, citing data from the Scoring Bureau, reported that by the end of December 2023, the share of Russians with five or more loans had increased significantly. On a monthly basis, it increased by 1.5 percentage points, and almost doubled over the past two years. Experts believe that this dynamic was largely ensured by credit cards, which are considered active if the customer has used at least part of the provided limit.