OREANDA-NEWS  Candidate of Economic Sciences, expert of the analytical center of the University "Synergy" Ekaterina Fedyukovich  predicted the time frame in which countries will refuse to settle in a single currency — dollars. She believes that this could happen in the next decade.

"Today, when the US economy is extremely unstable and a recession is quite expected, and the value of the US currency in relation to other currencies is declining, it becomes unprofitable to carry out transactions in dollars," she said.

The economist explained that due to the reduction in the difference in exchange rates, the economic benefits of transactions are significantly reduced, and investors suffer the most from this. Fedyukovich questioned the refusal of states to settle in dollars in the near future, while noting that a number of countries have already begun to move in this direction. In her opinion, this process will take from five to 10 years.

Earlier, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Kristalina Georgieva announced the gradual abandonment of the dollar in the world. At the same time, she added that there is no alternative to it yet.