OREANDA-NEWS Since May 22, Kazakhstan has been allowing the import and transit to/through the republic of pigs and pig products from 33 regions of Russia that are safe from African swine fever, the Rosselkhoznadzor reports.

This issue was discussed during negotiations between the head of the Rosselkhoznadzor Sergey Dankvert and Vice Minister of Agriculture of Kazakhstan Amangali Berdalin.

"The main outcome of the meeting was the lifting of restrictions from May 22 on the import and transit to/through Kazakhstan from 33 regions of Russia that are safe from African swine fever of the following goods... live pigs and boar semen... pork, including wild boar meat and processed products that have not undergone heat treatment," the message says.

Restrictions are also lifted from leather, cattle and intestinal raw materials, bristles, hunting trophies obtained from susceptible animal species; feed and feed additives for animals of animal origin, including poultry and fish; used equipment for transporting pigs, products and raw materials of animal origin, keeping, slaughtering and butchering pigs.

The ministry notes that they will continue to work with the veterinary service of Kazakhstan on the issue of lifting temporary restrictions on African swine fever from 27 regions of Russia free from this disease, as well as from 42 subjects of the country, in respect of which a ban on the transit of Russian pig products through the territory of Kazakhstan has been unlawfully imposed.

In addition, the parties once again discussed the importance of integrating information systems. Dankvert and Berdalin agreed to hold negotiations with technical specialists to organize the relevant work. Kazakh colleagues are expecting a visit from Russian representatives to provide advisory assistance.