OREANDA-NEWS. September 25, 2009. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President of Serbia Boris Tadic had a meeting in the UN building.

Heartily greeting each other the leaders of the states expressed satisfaction at the opportunity to exchange views on the opportunities to expand mutually advantageous cooperation. The sides focused on the mutual willingness to use the first official meeting at the top level to identify the ways to intensify the intergovernmental relationships.

President Boris Tadic emphasized that Serbia highly evaluated the peacemaking initiatives of Turkmenistan, whose status of neutrality contributed to establishing the good neighbourly relations with different countries all over the world and served as a reliable factor of maintaining stability in the region. The fact that Turkmenistan had gained the outstanding economic achievements, profoundly contributed to international cooperation and actively mutually advantageous partnership with the EU member states aroused great interest and respect in Serbia.

Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that the major goal of Turkmenistan’s foreign policy remained to comprehensively contribute to global efforts to maintain and strengthen global security, prevent and neutralize conflicts, ensure stable and sustainable development f the states and nations, promote wide and constructive international cooperation.

Focusing on the mutual interest in strengthening the intergovernmental dialogue Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Boris Tadic highly appreciated the mutual willingness to use innovative ideas and new forms of collaboration to enhance it. The sides reaffirmed the existence of the profound potential and opportunities to foster effective cooperation at the bilateral level as well as in the framework of Turkmenistan-EU collaboration. In this context emphasis was put on of primary significance of intensifying trade and economic relations particularly in such a very promising field of cooperation as the agro-industry sector.

Focusing on the importance of humanitarian cooperation the sides called for establishing wide scientific and cultural exchanges. The diplomatic structures of two countries, which were to fill Turkmen-Serbian partnership with a concrete content, would fulfill these tasks.

The leaders of two states discussed the international issues of mutual interests

In conclusion the President of Turkmenistan invited Boris Tadic to visit Turkmenistan at any convenient time. The invitation was accepted with gratitude. The sides expressed belief that Turkmen-Serbian cooperation would be brought up to a new level meeting the mutual potential and interests in the near future.