OREANDA-NEWS On 07 October was announced, that Switzerland is interested in establishing more constructive and fruitful dialogue with Turkmenistan, whose neutrality is particularly in demand today as an important factor of peace, stability and security in Central Asia. This was stated yesterday by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Swiss Confederation Micheline Calmy-Rey in the course of a meeting with President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

During the meeting, the Swiss Foreign Minister praised the foreign policy of Turkmenistan that "deservedly got wide recognition on in the world," the Turkmenistan.ru correspondent reports from Ashgabat quoting the press service of the head of state.

It should be recalled that in the course of the press conference in Ashgabat on October 1, the Turkmen President expressed Turkmenistan's willingness "to share its considerable political experience with any member of the international community so that a once-applied technique of the UN gets wide spread use over the planet."

"The experience that our country has gained over the past years in conducting an effective international dialogue from the standpoint of permanent neutrality suggests extraordinary efficiency of the introduction of such models in the world. This leads to the obvious conclusion: the more countries express readiness to assume the status of permanent neutrality in the future, following Turkmenistan's example, the calmer and safer we will feel in this world, the President noted.