OREANDA-NEWS. December 31, 2009. President of Turkmenistan, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Turkmenistan General of the Army Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov chaired the last meeting of the National Security Council in 2009.

The Security Council members heartily congratulated the leader of the Turkmen state on the coming New Year and expressed the sincere wishes of happiness, good health and every success on the path of large-scale reforms launched in the country.

Thanking for the heartfelt congratulations the President of Turkmenistan addressed the best wishes to the members of the Security Council. Emphasizing that the New Year celebrations should be organized in a proper manner the President focused on the need for the well-coordinated and effective work of the law enforcement agencies.

During the meeting the members of the Security Council – the high-ranking military and law enforcement officials reported to the Commander-in-Chief on the work carried out by the agencies under their supervision, the fulfillment of the instructions and the work done in the year 2009.

The Minister of Defence reported on the progress in implementing the military reform initiated by the Turkmen leader and the ongoing work to further strengthen the material base of the armed forces, train highly qualified military personnel, to create the comfortable conditions of life and military services.

The Minister of National Security reported on the concrete measures taken to further strengthen the foundations of a peaceful, constructive life of the Turkmen people, whose unity and cohesion that was an essential condition of the advancement of the country towards progress and prosperity.

The Chief of the State Border Service reported on the work carried out by the agency and the situation on the national borders of Turkmenistan.

The Minister of Internal Affairs reported on the measures taken to ensure public order and reduce crime including road traffic accidents.

The Prosecutor General of Turkmenistan reported on the work carried out to ensure the rule of law in all spheres of the life of the state and society.

The Chairman of the Supreme Court On reported on the work carried out to improve the judicial system and bring it in compliance with university recognized international standards.

The Chairman of the State Migration Service informed the President of the work done during the year noting that expansion of international cooperation had resulted in increasing a number of foreign visitors in recent years.

Commenting on the report the President of Turkmenistan signed the Resolution on construction of a 4-storey 24-aprtment house to further improve the living conditions of the officers of the State Migration Service.

The Minister of Justice reported on the progress in implementing the legal reform aimed at updating the national legislation.

The Chairman of the State Customs Service of Turkmenistan reported on the activities of the agency under his supervision to handle a considerably increased freight traffic that crossed the borders of the country.

The Chief of the State Service on Drugs informed the President of the concrete steps and measures taken to counter this dangerous social evil – drug addiction.

Summing up the meeting Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished those present every success in performing the sacred duty of the faithful service to the Motherland and the people.

The other issues were considered during the meeting and the relevant decisions were adopted.