OREANDA-NEWS Syria and Russia have excellent relations, and cooperation between Moscow and Damascus in various fields is at a high level in various spheres. This assessment was given in a conversation with RIA Novosti by Deputy Foreign Minister of Syria Bassam al-Sabbah.

According to him, within the framework of the events of the United Nations General Assembly (UN), the delegations of the two countries held intensive contacts. The Deputy Foreign Minister said that the diplomats discussed the humanitarian aspects of the Syrian crisis, especially regarding the extension of the mandate under UN Security Council Resolution 2672 on international humanitarian assistance to Syria.

Earlier, the Minister of Construction and Housing of Russia Irek Fayzullin called Syria a reliable partner. Speaking about the dynamics of development of cooperation in the trade and economic sphere, Irek Fayzullin stressed that due to the marked growth, the highest indicators of trade turnover between Russia and Syria have been achieved this year. The positive dynamics of Russian exports to Syria is mainly due to the increase in wheat supplies from Russia to Syria, at the same time, berries, fruits, olive oil, spices are supplied to the territory of Russia.