OREANDA-NEWS. October 26, 2007. In accordance with the goals and tasks of the federal target program “Development of the Nuclear Power Industry of Russia in 2007–2015,” the management of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Energy has decided to take part in the 1st international Exhibition and Congress ATOMCON-2008, to be conducted in Moscow in June 2008.

The organizer of ATOMCON 2008 is SBCD Expo. The objective of the forum is to show the innovative potential and the development prospects of nuclear power engineering, to deepen international cooperation and to establish new business contacts. The forum is supposed to become an annual event.

Representatives of the Russian Government, the governments of foreign states and international organizations, managers of local nuclear companies and foreign and international corporations are expected to take part in the forum. 

The organizing committee of the forum comprises representatives of Rosatom, Atomenergoprom OJSC, Atomenergomash OJSC, Atomstroyexport CJSC, Rosenergoatom Concern.

“NPP Construction” conference is to take place in Moscow on Nov 25 2007 as part of the preparations for ATOMCON 2008. Representatives of Rosatom and local nuclear companies are expected to attend the conference.

For detailed information about ATOMCON 2008 see  www.atomcon.ru.