OREANDA-NEWS. As informed by the Bank’s press service with reference to the rating results. Ukrsotsbank became the winner of “Social bank” nomination within “10 companies, which inspire” rating of Companion magazine. The activity of the bank as a social institution was highly estimated by both partners and competitors.

Companion analytical business magazine publishes “10 companies, which inspire” independent survey since 2003. 120 chiefs and specialists of big and medium-sized companies participate in the survey: 60 top managers and 60 specialists of marketing, PR, finance, HR, production.

The main factors, which were noted by the rating experts are: client-orientedness, proprietors interest and a high reputation as noted in the study.

The article about Ukrsotsbank, in particular, states: “The experts have noted proprietors interest among Ukrsotsbank decisive factors not in vain. The Bank sector, growing in Ukraine by 50% assets each year is simply impossible without permanent considerable capital infusions. Moreover, in order to remain leader, form the base of current and future competitiveness, we need constantly come to the markets of foreign borrowings. And it is simply impossible without the proprietor’s interest. He, in his turn, needs a professional manager, who would take the reins of the bank activity supervision in his hands. Borys Tymonkin, Chairman of the Bank, who many times was called one of the best managers of the country, became such a man. Ihor Yushko, who in the past was a banker and finance minister, joined the Chairman as head of the supervisory board in time.

Qualitative management in the institution that is not a monopoly and tends to be most effective and successful inherently must have client-orientedness of primary concern. The Bank was growing and always showed genuine interest to informational technologies and automation of all processes. Thus, already in 2002 we have created own processing center, which allowed issuance of payment cards of major international payment systems. In 2004 we signed a treaty with TEMENOS Swiss Company on the purchase and implementation of T24 advanced integrated banking system. Moreover, Ukrsotsbank one of the first introduced queue management system in its offices. All this has given the results, and today the Bank reaps the fruits of its investments made in May 2007. According to GFK Ukraine Company research conducted for Correspondent magazine Ukrsotsbank was recognized as the most client-friendly Bank. And experts of the rating put Ukrsotsbank at the first place among all companies as to client-orientedness level. Taking into account such rare quality of the banking institutions, as client-orientedness, Ukrsotsbank managed to win the confidence and popularity among Ukrainians and foreign partners.

Transparency and efficient work with the public also promoted it. It may be stated that today it has already permanently entered into the list of banks, most frequently mentioned in the media. The work of the bank confirms the commonplace truth: to succeed only it is needed to set priorities and persistently follow them”.