OREANDA-NEWS. November 22, 2007. In the second quarter of 2008 Inter-regional Territorial Department of Rostekhnadzor for Ural Federal District is planning to carry out ecological inspection of Beloyarsk NPP, reported the press-centre of Rostekhnadzor.

Beloyarsk Nuclear Power Plant is a company of high ecological culture, where Rostekhnadzor has never registered any negative effects on the environment. The plant complies with all production and ecological safety standards and is constantly monitoring the ecological situation in its nearby area, the press secretary of the head of Rostekhnadzor Yevgeny Anoshin says in an interview.

In the second quarter of 2008 the Inter-regional Territorial Department for Ural Federal District is planning to check up the plant’s compliance with the requirements of the ecological legislation of the Russian Federation – such a decision was made at the Nov 19 meeting of the Department’s ecological service.

The meeting was chaired by the deputy head of the Department Nikolay Krupinin. The key topic was the compliance of Beloyrask Nuclear Power Plant with the ecological legislation and ecological safety standards.

The conferees decided that shortly all the employees and managers of Beloyarsk NPP will take a special training course on ecological safety and treatment of hazardous waste.

The plant will also receive an ecological audit and, jointly with the Department, will draft a program of ecological monitoring of its nearby area.

Beloyarsk NPP has all Rostekhnadzor’s licenses and permissions for treatment and transportation of hazardous waste and other ecological activities and fully complies with them.