OREANDA-NEWS. December 4, 2007. RODOVID BANK jointly with a company MTS-Ukraine and OJSC "Lviv brewery" at support of Lviv city advice conducted round table on the theme of "Investment in a cultural legacy and equipping with modern amenities of Lviv" within the framework of project "Together will do anymore". To the discussion the publicmen of Lviv and artists joined also.

During the public discussion of problem on saving of cultural legacy of city organizers heaved up a question about creation of new projects and bringing in of investors, about bureaucratic barriers, and also question about bringing in to the public discussion of mass medias. Participants’ round table appealed to the journalists and business representatives with suggestion to join in with an action "Together will do anymore".

The first step within the framework of project was become by the reconstruction of fountain on an area near the Lvov opera theater, on which RODOVID BANK transferred 200 thousand UAH. "Speech goes not simply about the investment of facilities in a city, but about the non-material holdings socially responsible organizations in development of Lvov for proceeding in his historical grandeur, creation of tourist center, which Lviv which Ukraine" would be proud of was proud of, – commented the Head of regional management of RODOVID BANK Marina Samura.

We will remind: in August, 2007 Management of architecture of Lviv city advice confirmed conception of building of fountain near the Opera theater. City advice appealed with initiative of bringing in of sponsor support for building of fountain to the socially responsible companies. The representatives of Ukrainian business joined in with financing of project: RODOVID BANK, MTS-Ukraine and Lviv brewery.

RODOVID BANK also conducted an action on planting of greenery of city and continues to work together with Lvov public for the sake of one purpose is claim of Lvov as a cultural, spiritual and architectural center of Ukraine.