OREANDA-NEWS. December 07, 2007. Ukraine and Poland plan to launch Odessa-Brody pipeline in the middle of 2008. President Victor Yushchenko and President Lech Kaczynski announced that after visiting “Pivdenny” maritime terminal, reported the Official website www.president.gov.ua.

V.Yushchenko explained that at first stage of the pipeline operation oil will be transported to Brody junction and further transportation shall be performed by rail. President of Ukraine also added that among all possibilities including past ideas of reverse mode operation “only forward operation mode of the Odessa-Brody pipeline is of perspective. Other possibilities simply don’t exist.”

President Lech Kaczynski from his part reaffirmed Poland’s interest in soonest implementation of that project. He also added that executive branch changes in his country would not affect its plans of active participation in the project. “I hope that by the time of Kyiv Energy Summit we shall see the first stage of Odessa-Brody pipeline operation”, - he said. To Mr. Kaczynski’s opinion extending the pipeline to Gdansk may be possible by 2011-2012.

President of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko and the President of the republic of Poland Lech Kaczynski visited “Pivdenny” maritime terminal and were acknowledged with its functioning. They were also shown presentations of “Odessa-Brody” pipeline operation perspectives. After the visit President Victor Yushchenko signed a decree on conducting International Energy Summit in Kiev in May 2008. V. Yushchenko believes that this Summit will become a conclusion of the logistics relevant to the Odesa – Brody – Plock – Gdansk project.