OREANDA-NEWS. February 18, 2008. After consulting with the parliamentary political parties, President Toomas Hendrik Ilves decided to make a proposal to the Riigikogu to appoint Mihkel Oviir as Auditor General. Oviir has held the same office for the last five years, reported the Official website www.president.ee.

“Discussions with the representatives of the parliamentary parties indicate that Mihkel Oviir has the support of the majority of the Riigikogu,” said President Ilves. “This demonstrates support for Mihkel Oviir’s experience, his expertise and the stable management of the National Audit Office.”

The Head of State, who met yesterday with Mihkel Oviir, highlighted four important topics in his current work as Auditor General. This includes making sure the benefits of the e-state reach the entire population; environmental audits; the advance of Estonia’s National Audit Office to the chairmanship of the Working Group for Environmental Auditing in the organization uniting the world’s government auditing offices; and the auditing of local governments.

President Ilves stressed the importance of the auditing of local governments, since this provides the Riigikogu and the Government will an actual picture of the capabilities of the local governments, and thereafter, the politicians can make the necessary decisions regarding administrative arrangement supported by a firm factual and analytical basis.

“I entreat that the auditing of local governments be one of the most important spheres of activity for the National Audit Office. Because the activities of the governments of rural municipalities and cities often affect people more directly than the decisions of the central government, we cannot be indifferent to how and at what cost the leaders of the rural municipalities and cities operate,” President Ilves stressed at the meeting with Mihkel Oviir. “Many people expect the National Audit Office to deal more actively and react more decisively to information that points to the possible mishandling of taxpayer money, or its ineffective or illegal use.”

According to the Constitution, the President of the Republic makes the proposal for the appointment of the Auditor General to the Riigikogu. A majority of votes in a secret ballot in the parliament is necessary for the approval of the appointment.