OREANDA-NEWS. On 20 March 2008 was announced, that in capital hotel “Rixos” opened the Forum “Role business of structures in development of a civil society” and the second Fair of social projects of capital on which there have been presented about 90 projects for a total sum of 3,5 billion tenge.

 Projects concern social sphere, public health services, education, development of initiatives of nongovernmental sector. In the given action participate: the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of population of RK B.Saparbayev, Chairman of Association of businessmen of Astana city P.Kazantsev, Chairman of the Civil alliance of city of Astana I.Katenov, and also the representatives of business-structures. At the fair has made speech akim of city Askar Mamin. He has emphasized, that business of Astana from first days of formation of capital differs the responsibility before a society.

The first head of city has expressed words of gratitude to businessmen of city with which participation in 2007 as a whole have been realized nearby 100 socially focused projects for a total sum of the order 5 billion tenge. Akim of city has reminded, that result of support of capital businessmen has become an accomplishment of 330 court yard with nurseries and athletic fields, purchase new resuscitation ambulance for city station of the first help. Except for that there is a construction of objects of social sphere - the additional block of specialized Children's home “Hope” (the Eurasian industrial association), combine of a children's feed (Open Company “Astana-Bottlers”) and dialysis center (Open Company MAIR-7). Also the head of the device has noted an active role of the nongovernmental organizations of city.