OREANDA-NEWS. On 28 May 2008 was announced, that the opportunity to get acquainted more close with culture, national kitchen and crafts of the European countries was presented to the inhabitants and visitors of capital. Earlier Day of Europe in Kazakhstan was marked in Almaty, now this tradition is supported  in Astana too. This holiday is connected  with the appearance of the European Union when 27 states were united for maintenance of the world, prosperities in Europe. The holiday is spent in many countries where is presented the European union.

"With the European national day we support Noursultan Nazarbayev's initiative “A way to Europe”, we also wish to find the way in Kazakhstan" –  has noted the Charge d'Affaires ad interim in affairs of Representation of the European commission Rezhin Rua. In the program of the action have been presented cheese and flowers from Holland, musical collective from Italy, each country has been presented on the old square of Astana.

Besides spectators of one of capital cinemas up to the end of month can look the best European films and vote for the liked one.