OREANDA-NEWS. June 27, 2008. Saint-Petersburg branch of SOGAZ Insurance Group insured the UEFA Cup that the football club Zenit had won in May.

The insurance sum under the insurance contract amounted to EUR 30,000. The contract is valid in the Russian Federation and CIS.

The insured trophy set off on a journey which started in the offices of major sponsors and partners of the club, including the insurer of Zenit – Saint-Petersburg branch of SOGAZ. At present, the Cup is in Ukraine brought there by Zenit’s captain Anatoly Timoschuk. This week the second European football club award will be exposed at the Saint-Petersburg International Economic Forum. Later, the Cup will be taken to Vyborg, Kirovsk and other Russian towns.

SOGAZ Group has been the official insurer of Zenit for several years already. Since 2005 SOGAZ has been providing medical insurance services to the team and the club. Besides, Zenit’s vehicles are also insured by SOGAZ, as well as private vehicles of the players and the club’s employees, under all types of auto insurance. A specialized medical service company Gazprommedservis, a member of SOGAZ Group, provides medical assistance during all Zenit’s home games and out matches.