OREANDA-NEWS. October 22, 2008. Enterprises of Kazakhstan in January-September 2008 for services rendered in the amount of 302.9 billion tenge (current 119,85 / US1), an increase of 14.2% over the same period last year, reported the press-centre of Kazakhtelecom.

Including people provided services to 122.6 billion tenge, which is 13.5% more than in January-September 2007.

During the reporting period, income from services is the percentage of mobile communications was 52.7% (compared to January-September 2007, the volume of mobile services grew by 19.4%).

According to the Statistics Agency of Kazakhstan, in total telecommunications revenue in January-September 2008, revenues from the sale of telecommunications services accounted for 40.5% population. However, income from the sale of telecommunications services population 58.1% were revenues from mobile services, 17.9% - domestic and international communications, 10.4% - local calling, and 13.6% - other forms of connection.

Kazakhstan is currently the bulk of telecommunications services and communications services provided, respectively, JSC “|Kazakhtelecom” and national company “Kazpochta”

The republic has five mobile operators, including three operators providing services in standard GSM. The population of Kazakhstan exceeds 15.6 million people.