OREANDA-NEWS  On 10 November was announced, that Russian natural gas price for Belarus will amount to USD 200 per 1,000 cubic meters, Russia’s Ambassador to Belarus Alexander Surikov said.

“My previous forecast of USD 200 per 1,000 cubic meters still remains,” Surikov said.

At the same time, since the gas price depends on global oil prices, Russian gas price for Belarus may go down a little.

“It may have some influence, the price may go down, because the oil and refined oil prices are going down,” Surikov said.

He noted that the price decrease would not be significant. “Under the price formation agreement, the gas price may be adjusted [upwards or downwards] not more than 7% within one year,” the diplomat explained.

Belarus paid USD 100 in 2007, USD 119 in the first quarter of 2008 and USD 127.9 since April 2008.