OREANDA-NEWS. November 10, 2008. Portoroz, Slovenia has hosted the IC 2008 International Conference dedicated to investments in Southern and Southeastern Europe. The Conference discussions centered on energy projects.

Participating in the Conference were a Gazprom delegation led by Stanislav Tsygankov, Head of the International Business Department as well as representatives of the relevant ministries from the countries of Southeastern Europe, top managers of the largest regional energy companies and leading experts of European financial and scientific institutions.

Presenting his speech surrounding the South Stream project Stanislav Tsygankov covered the organizational and technical aspects of the gas pipeline construction as well as outlined its possible routes. Moreover, he emphasized the importance of the intergovernmental support for the project and underscored the particular importance attached by Gazprom to the construction of a new gas transportation corridor.

“The South Stream is a top-priority project for Gazprom. Its implementation is a cornerstone of our strategy aimed at developing gas transportation capacities and increasing gas export to Europe,” declared Stanislav Tsygankov.