OREANDA-NEWS. December 1, 2008. Peter Nalitch, the author of the popular song 'Gitar', has published his debut album on Yandex. The whole album “The Joy of Simple Melodies” is available for free download in the MP3 format at http://money.yandex.ru/doc.xml?id=523222.

The Peter Nalitch and Band’s debut album is distributed in the Pay-What-You-Want* offer: anyone can download the album and pay as much as they want to if at all. Users can transfer the money they want to pay for the music directly to the special account (http://peternalitch.ya.ru/replies.xml?item_no=1) of the band via the payment system Yandex.Money.

“We are not planning to make tons of money selling this album. It is much more fun to share your music with those for whom it means something”, explains Peter Nalitch. “We recorded this album without any assistance, using our concert earnings. We want to stay independent and we are extremely grateful to anyone who wishes to show their support.”

The Yandex.Money payment system is a handy tool providing instant payments for goods and services through the Internet. Yandex.Money users open over 4,000 new accounts a day, and the daily number of payments for various goods and services – from web hosting and mobile bill payments to books and clothes – exceeds 30,000.

*Pay-What-You-Want is a new model of delivering content (including music) to the user who is allowed to decide how much he is willing to pay for it. Radiohead’s “In rainbows” album is the best-known example of using this model.