OREANDA-NEWS. February 09, 2009. RESMI Group (Almaty), bonds of which are listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), provided KASE with copies of registered changes to the prospectus of issue of bonds KZ2P0Y03C186 (KASE official list, the first subcategory of the Non-rated debt securities category; RESCb1; KZT1, KZT1.5 bn.; 21.12.06 - 21.12.09, semiannual coupon 12.00 % APR) and the certificate on state registration of securities issue dated February 4, 2009 substituting the one granted earlier, reported the press-centre of KASE.

According to the documents:

- the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations (AFS) registered changes to the prospectus of issue of the bonds;

- the certificate was changed due to change of number, nominal value and circulation term of the bonds;

- the number of the bonds was cut from 1,500,000,000 down to 1,200,000,000;

- nominal value was increased from KZT1 to KZT10;

- circulation term was increased from three to seven years;

- national identification number of the issue was changed from KZ2P0Y03C186 to KZ2P0Y07C187;

- the issue of the bonds was registered in the State register of serial securities on August 18, 2006 under number C18.

Changes to the prospectus of issue of the bonds are available at the KASE website at: http://www.kase.kz/files/emitters/RESC/rescb1_izm.pdf