OREANDA-NEWS. During a meeting in Moscow Feb 18 2009 Director General of Atomenergomash OJSC (part of Atomenergoprom OJSC) Vladimir Kaschenko and Director General of E4 Group OJSC Pyotr Bezukladnikov have signed a cooperation agreement.

The parties are going to develop their business and technical cooperation in the field of engineering, manufacturing of equipment and providing services for installation, start-up and maintenance of units of nuclear, thermal and water power plants as well as waste heat and hot water boilers operating on all types of natural fuel.   

Director General of E4 Group Pyotr Bezukladnikov said that the parties had agreed to set up special working groups for examining possibilities of cooperation.

E4 Group and Atomenergomash are planning to jointly produce and supply to operating plants and construction projects pumps, pipeline fittings, high and low pressure pipelines, automated process control systems, heat exchange, water treatment and other equipment. 

In his turn, Director General of Atomenergomash Vladimir Kaschenko pointed out that it was the first attempt of large-scale cooperation with E4 Group. “We are planning to start our cooperation this year already,” he said.