OREANDA-NEWS. February 20, 2009. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received CEO of M. V. Frunze Sumy Machine Building Research and Production Association Vladimir Lukyanenko.

Expressing sincere gratitude for the opportunity of a personal meeting the guest cordially congratulated Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the second anniversary of electing President of Turkmenistan and the national holiday – Flag Day and wished peace, happiness and welfare to the people of Turkmenistan.

Thanking for the congratulations the Turkmen leader said that M. V. Frunze Sumy Machine Building Research and Production Association which had implemented the large-scale fuel and energy projects in Turkmenistan had the reputation of a responsible and dependable partner

The sides summed up the results of the joint work and discussed the opportunities to further collaborate in compliance with the strategy of development of Turkmenistan’s fuel and energy sector prioritizing modernization and expansion of the production infrastructure though applying advanced innovative technologies. Reaffirming the Ukrainian production association’s intense interest in cooperation with Turkmenistan V. Lukianenko assured that the Research and Production Association would continue fulfilling conscientiously its partner commitments.